Price statistics of actually sold cars in Ukraine


Keywords: statistics of prices of actually sold cars in Ukraine, statistics of sales of new and used cars, top sold used cars, sales prices of new and used cars, statistics of car sales, statistics of car sales


IJI IT GROUP offers analytical reports with information on prices of actually sold cars in Ukraine.

The monthly analytical report is of particular value for car dealers;
companies that are engaged in fitting cars to order;
for individuals who are engaged in the purchase, repair and resale of cars.

Latest report for October 2020.

Thanks to the analytical report, you can easily determine the most favorable purchase price for a car or
the maximum allowable rate for buying a car at an auction.
This allows you to sell the car in the future with maximum profit.

The reports are formed on the basis of data on actual car sales from open sources.
However, this information remains available for a very short period of time, and literally in a few days, and sometimes even hours, it disappears without a trace.

Therefore, we regularly monitor resources and manually collect this information for you.
The sample is made for all car brands that were actually sold, in the price range from 7000 USD. and higher.

The information is formatted electronically, in an Excel file.


File * consists of two sheets:
The first one is actually sold cars by:
all brands;
models (complete sets);
year of release;
engine volume;
type of fuel;
type of checkpoint;
the price of the actual sale.

The second is the rating of the most sold-bought cars for the month by:
all brands;
models (complete sets);
years of release;
actual selling price;
engine displacement.

* the file contains information ONLY on the cars actually sold.
Cars that are offered for sale, but not sold, are not included in the file.
The file does not contain information about absolutely all cars sold during the month.
Nevertheless, the amount of information collected in the file is sufficient to build ratings and display actual sales prices.

The volume of information per month ranges from 600 to 1500 sales data.


Monthly report cost: 50 USD
If necessary, according to individual requests, extended reports can be prepared on the specified resources and parameters.

Order a monthly report by phones: +380(73)016-63-23 (Viber, Whats App, Telegram); +380(66)096-46-71 .
Or via the online form below.

Click here to download the SAMPLE file of the monthly report on the actual prices of car sales in Ukraine.


Automated system for managing orders for car delivery



  • ITS - Директор

    Компанія IJI IT GROUP не тільки розробила CRM-систему, а і провела тренінги для персоналу, підготувала Інструкції, надала інформаційну підтримку.

  • Газинвестпроект - Директор

    Ми получили полный комплекс услуг, связанный с созданием веб-сайта "с нуля".

  • Альянс Энерго Трейд - Директор

    Рекомендуємо компанію IJI IT GROUP як виконавця робіт, пов’язаних з розробкою і модернізацією сайтів.



+380 (63) 205-84-81
+380 (50) 380-14-56



