PNS - Personal non-profit system


IJI IT GROUP offers to use Free of charge a multifunctional design platform to create and save daily records for all occasions (electronic diary) in the Personal non-commercial use configuration.

The Personal Non-Commercial Use configuration is a set of target folders in which your subject posts can be created and grouped.

We have created and offer a flexible tool on the principle of a constructor, which you can independently develop, train, customize - design on your own (without involving programmers).



Below are examples of using the Personal Non-Profit System.

You can:

  1.     Create a daily routine for every day
  2.     Register up to 5 new users in your system and create joint entries
  3.     Keep track of long-term projects or plans
  4.     Keep track of your contacts or keep a database of companies with which you interact
  5.     Generate records of events related to contacts in the database. Form reminders, etc.
  6.     Keep track of your income and expenses in different currencies and in different directions
  7.     Download and store various files in various formats
  8.     Keep a record of the maintenance of your vehicles; accounting of daily trips; fuel consumption accounting
  9.    Keep track of utility costs and payments for them
  10.     Write down recipes
  11.     Create records related to wellness or treatment by recording the prescribed course and making notes about the medication intake.
  12.     Record notes and keep track of interesting links to external resources
  13.     Securely store in encrypted form personal access codes to various accounts and external resources
  14.     Independently create new target forms and folders for any issues in your life.


Examples of implementation of some of the processes


You need a form in which you can plan all your activities in a tight schedule for the entire specified period by specifying a period of time throughout the day.

A form has been created in which the required day is selected, the planning interval is indicated. For example, from 9:00 to 18:00.
The name of the first event is entered, the time interval that is planned to be devoted to this event is indicated.
If necessary, you can specify: break time, set status and priority. The record is saved.
You can immediately enter the name of the next event, and the system automatically sets the next free time for it within the specified interval.
The entire set of events is displayed on one page as a timeline of the planned period and a list of records generated in chronological order.



Accounting for utility costs

A module is needed to track utility costs for various types of services.

A target folder has been created with a form in which you can select the required type of service, indicate a personal account, data of a metering device, an actual address. Select year, month, specify the accounting period.
Accounting can be carried out at several rates, indicating for each rate the indications at the beginning and at the end of the period.
The consumption is calculated automatically by the system.
You can enter the cost of the tariff.
The system will calculate expenses in monetary terms for each tariff and determine the total amount of expenses both in physical terms and in monetary terms.
When filling out the form in the next period, the system will automatically transfer the final readings of the previous period to the initial readings of the new period.




Accounting for the consumption of fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants)

You have installed gas-tank equipment on your car, which operates in a mixed mode, consuming 70% of gas and 30% of gasoline.
It is necessary to determine the actual consumption for each type of fuel, taking into account the modes of using the car; cost of expenses for fuels and lubricants and other data. Keep monthly records of fuel consumption.

A set of fields with all the necessary parameters is created.
The fields are combined into a general form for recording fuel consumption.
The results for each record are displayed in a pivot table for the current month.




Setting up and self-development of the system

The current capabilities of the system are quite extensive.

You can create any new modules of your local system yourself without any programming skills.
Since the system is created in a language of the highest level, that is, in a human-readable language on the principle of a constructor.

All the necessary tips and instructions can be found in the Help section.

Each element of the system contains hints - just hover the cursor.

Each target folder contains a description and purpose - just open a hint.

Each field of the system contains a comment - just hover the cursor.

Each page of the system contains information about its settings - just open a window with information about the settings.

All system settings are grouped in the Configurator section and organized in logically understandable categories.


Near future

1. Creation of an international and regional trading platform on which, using your personal accounts, you can post announcements about your needs and suggestions. You will be able to find the goods and services you need, offer and sell the goods that you have.

2. Creation of a settlement system for accounting for multilateral mutual exchanges without the use of money.


Register your local system (LS) from IJI IT GROUP by yourself using this link:
Select the Personal (non-commercial) use configuration at the bottom of the LSregistration form.

If you need to automate or customize business processes, please contact us:

+380(50)380-14-56, +380(63)205-84-81 .


For more information on the other available configurations, see the links below:

For enterprises

For authorities

For election headquarters

For car dealers delivering cars on order



  • ITS - Директор

    Компанія IJI IT GROUP не тільки розробила CRM-систему, а і провела тренінги для персоналу, підготувала Інструкції, надала інформаційну підтримку.

  • Газинвестпроект - Директор

    Ми получили полный комплекс услуг, связанный с созданием веб-сайта "с нуля".

  • Альянс Энерго Трейд - Директор

    Рекомендуємо компанію IJI IT GROUP як виконавця робіт, пов’язаних з розробкою і модернізацією сайтів.



+380 (63) 205-84-81
+380 (50) 380-14-56



