E-Medicine: transforming healthcare with information and communication technology.
National Library of Medicine
Electronic medicine, online clinic - online automated patient relationship management system (without leaving home)
Who is it for?
For polyclinics, private clinics, private offices, medical practitioners who want to organize interaction with patients online using their own Internet resource.
How it works?
You get an Automated Management System (ACS) with the website of your institution, the working environment of the clinic, personal accounts for patients and the financial module for accepting online payments.
1. A visitor fills out a contact form on your website
2. You receive a notification in the messenger about a new request
3. The appeal is automatically registered in the working environment of the Automated Control System
4. You fix the patient, draw up a consultation, recommendation, advice, prescribe additional examinations, prescribe a course of treatment or a rehabilitation program based on the results
5. Issue an invoice for online payment for your services
6. The patient sees all your prescriptions in his personal account, can change the status of implementation, and also make online payments for services; keep a health diary; upload files in any format, including examination results, photos of problem areas, etc.
7. You accompany the patient until recovery
8. All information about all patients, their applications and courses of treatment is stored in the ACS for an unlimited amount of time.
IJI IT GROUP offers a turnkey solution for polyclinics, private clinics and offices, medical practitioners. As well as bodies of local self-organization of the population in the direction of healthcare.
Basic categories and subcategories of the system
The software combines a set of functions: a system for registering patients and their online support; institution website; online payment services for paying for the services of the institution by patients.
Benefits of the E-Medicine system - online clinic from IJI IT GROUP
1. Does not require software installation on a personal computer (hosted "in the cloud" or on a local server)
2. Create your own system in minutes
3. Create a site in a day
4. Access to the service from any mobile device and from anywhere in the world
5. Fully adapted and customized patient relationship management automation system
6. Remote support of the course of treatment, the patient does not need to leave the house, the interaction can be at a distance
7. Interactive mode (24/7/365) using a personal account, the patient has round-the-clock access to the prescribed course of treatment and the consultations provided
8. Connecting the module for receiving online payments
9. Unified environment for the formation, storage and use of data
10. Flexible business process designer at the user level (without the involvement of programmers)
11. Prompt configuration change in case of changes in legislation, internal instructions, protocols or regulations
12. Ability to use artificial intelligence to automatically calculate indicators, for example, body mass index; normal maximum upper pressure, normal minimum lower pressure for each age category, pulse pressure, mean hemodynamic pressure in the systemic circulation, etc.
13. Multilingual interface in 11 languages (default languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian)
14. High throughput processing requests
15. Differentiation of access rights to information
16. Minimize the timing of tasks
17. Monitoring the work of personnel in real time
18. Ability to control from anywhere in the world and at any time
19. Minimization of errors (loss of documents, incorrect data entry, duplication, etc.)
20. Technical and cryptographic protection of information by encryption transmitted through communication channels
21. And much more...
Features of E-Medicine - online clinic from IJI IT GROUP:
• Website constructor for a clinic, an office, a medical practice doctor
• Self-registration online by patients, and automatic registration of their requests
• Checking patients for duplicates - automatic exclusion of previously registered patients
• Notifications in the messenger about new requests and other changes in the system records
• Personal accounts of patients with the possibility of registering health indicators (pressure, temperature, saturation, sugar, etc.); vaccinations; diary of body waste; downloading files with research results
• Formation of a database of patients, filling out a patient card in accordance with the form 025 / o, approved by the Ministry of Health
• Database of all patient requests
• Separation of appeals into episodes, according to form 074/o
• Use of the international classification of primary care ICPC-2
• Forms of online consultations with the appointment of an additional scientific research
• Forms of treatment regimens for each drug prescribed
• Diet prescription, diet prescription
• Form of rehabilitation
• Download and display files of any format, including photos, videos, audio, and files with research results
• Form Preventive Inspection Sheet
• Form Observation Plan for the next year
• Online payment of invoices for services rendered
• Accounting for all invoices, with automatic change in payment status
• The full range of internal accounting capabilities for the institution (personnel; finance; orders; fixed assets and much more)
• Blockchain technology - the relationship of the patient with the appeal, with all records and recommendations according to the prescribed course of treatment
• Other opportunities related to the management of the institution and business processes in it.
An example of an online request for help form
Patient's personal account
Invoices for payment
Example of a consultation record
Treatment regimen
Order the E-Medicine system - an online clinic from IJI IT GROUP right now!
Access to the demo version of E-Medicine from IJI IT GROUP https://bpm.mirimc.com, BPM-enterprise configuration with connection of the E-Medicine add-on.
Sample working draft https://onlineclinic.mirimc.com .
Connection - free + 14 days trial period
One-time payment for the system - $5000 (with unlimited users)
Monthly payment - $70 for hosting the system in the cloud.
Technical requirements and additional costs
1. It can be hosted on a local server or in the "cloud" (from $70 per month).
2. Equipment requirements:
32 GB Memory
4-8 Core Processor
256 GB SSD disk.
3. Operating system requirements:
Installed and configured by the Supplier (from $150)
4. Requirements for hosting:
MySQL Server 5.5
PHP 5.4
Mail Server
5. Availability of a domain name (from $20 per year).
6. Availability of an SSL certificate (from $30 per year).
7. Technical support (from $50 per month).
If necessary, IJI IT GROUP provides services to ensure the Technical Conditions and system technical support services.
If you need to automate or customize business processes, please contact us:
+380(50)380-14-56, +380(63)205-84-81 .
Additional plugins:
1. IP-telephony (Call-center), with the possibility of free calls for requests; answering machine; recording of conversations, etc.;
2. SMS distribution.
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+380 (63) 205-84-81
+380 (50) 380-14-56
E-mail: inbox@ijigroup.com
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