IP-telephony in AMS from IJI IT GROUP


IJI IT GROUP, together with the leading IP telephony operator Stream Telecom, integrated the IP telephony module into their automated business process management systems.

Thanks to the integration, users of ACS from IJI IT GROUP can receive calls, process them, save and listen to the required number of times; during a call, create an application-appeal from the caller. If a call comes in after business hours, the answering machine will provide the necessary information to the caller, and the call will be queued for processing when the business day begins.

In addition, IP-telephony allows you to make automatic calls to pre-installed subscriber databases and send targeted SMS. At the same time, all the work performed will be recorded, which means that it is always possible to analyze and determine the effectiveness of the information campaign.


  • ITS - Директор

    Компанія IJI IT GROUP не тільки розробила CRM-систему, а і провела тренінги для персоналу, підготувала Інструкції, надала інформаційну підтримку.

  • Газинвестпроект - Директор

    Ми получили полный комплекс услуг, связанный с созданием веб-сайта "с нуля".

  • Альянс Энерго Трейд - Директор

    Рекомендуємо компанію IJI IT GROUP як виконавця робіт, пов’язаних з розробкою і модернізацією сайтів.



+380 (63) 205-84-81
+380 (50) 380-14-56

E-mail: inbox@ijigroup.com


